
The August 12 (2021)  meeting of the Pittsville Area Historical Society was called to order by President Chris Buchanan.  Secretary and Treasurer reports were presented and approved. Old Business included a report that the garden beds have been mulched with wood chips donated by Hay Creek Pallet.  The gold color enhances the colors of the flowers. Jan…


The July 8 (2021) meeting of the Pittsville Area Historical Society was called to order by Vice President Gloria Dibble.  The Secretary and Treasurer reports were presented and approved. Old Business included a report from the grounds and garden chairperson.  The gardens are being edged and weeded to prepare them for wood mulch.  The paint on…


The June (2021) meeting of the Pittsville Area Historical Society was called to order by President Chris Buchanan. Secretary and treasurer reports were presented and approved. The first item of Old Business was a discussion about the barn and shed progress.  Boy Scout Troop 123 helped move farm related items from the museum into the farm shed May…