
The August 12 (2021 meeting of the Pittsville Area Historical Society was called to order by President Chris Buchanan.  Secretary and Treasurer reports were presented and approved.

Old Business included a report that the garden beds have been mulched with wood chips donated by Hay Creek Pallet.  The gold color enhances the colors of the flowers.

Jan Patrick and her crew have been hard at work on the exhibits in the farm shed and barn.  New and improved cranberry and lumber exhibits are currently being worked on in the space opened up when much of the farm equipment was moved to the shed.  As with any remodeling project, most of the area upstairs in the museum will be renovated and renewed.  It is exciting to see the progress.  Stop in any Thursday from 9-3 or the last Sunday of the month from 11-3 to check on the progress.

There was a discussion about a Spaghetti Dinner to be held next spring to raise money to fund the various projects.

Book 9 of the Stories of Our Lives series is in the research phase.  Marlene Neve is looking for information about the mossing operation that took place in the City Point area.  If you have pictures or stories to tell, you can contact her or stop in at the museum.

New Business included more planning on the upstairs renovations including the military and clothing display area.

Old buildings require constant repair.  It was noticed that the ramp leading to the main door is cracking.  This will have to be taken care of before winter to lessen further damage.

Docents for August and September were recruited.

Motion to adjourn

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