The July 8 (2021) meeting of the Pittsville Area Historical Society was called to order by Vice President Gloria Dibble. The Secretary and Treasurer reports were presented and approved.
Old Business included a report from the grounds and garden chairperson. The gardens are being edged and weeded to prepare them for wood mulch. The paint on the steeple and school needs to be touched up when the weather is good.
We will present a “Recess in the Past” library hour on July 20. The children will be able to choose from several activities that the children played in the past.
A&R Plumbing installed a tankless water heater under the kitchen sink and a new faucet.
Jan Patrick and Randy Fochs reported that they are about half finished with the Barn and Shed project. They are working on the displays in the shed. Jan is working on the signage for the barn to give visitors the most accurate information about farming the the early 1900’s.
Our float took second place in the Organizations category of Fourth of July parade. The theme of One Nation-One Flag was depicted with a large two sided mural that had an outline of the United States with a US flag super-imposed over it.
The first issue of the Heritage Magazine featuring Native Americans of central Wisconsin will be out the second week of July. Chris Buchanan wrote about the Indian Pow Wows that were held in Riverside Park. Complementary issue can be picked up at area businesses.
Under New Business Mary Czaja and Lynn Jankowski will be the docents for Sunday, July 25. The museum will be open from 11-3. Stop in to see the progress that is being made on the new displays and visit the gardens.
Motion to adjourn