
Records of our most recent meetings are posted here. Click on the page numbers at the bottom of the page to see minutes of previous meetings.
(These are summaries only; official/approved minutes can be viewed upon request.)

The August 8 meeting of the Pittsville Area HIstorical Society was called to order by President Randy Fochs. The Secretary and Treasurer reports were presented and approved.

65 children participated in the Nature Scavenger Hunt that we presented at Riverside Park on July 16. All had a great time and we enjoy working with the librariy each summer..

The Building and Grounds Committee report turned into a To Do List for the rest of this year and next. Old buildings require a lot of maintenance. Scranton School needs to be repainted on the inside and the floor should be refinished. Chris Nepper has been working on the windows and has a couple to finish. The main door needs to be weatherstripped. The roof on the PowWow Booth should be replaced. The Farm Shed is scheduled to be restained this fall. The museum front door needs repainting. The list just keeps growing.

Chris Nepper continues to look for photos of old barns to include on the Website www.pittsvilleareahistoricalsociety.org. The site has wonderful pictures of the buildings and their contents and a list of books that are for sale.

The museum will be open on Sunday, August 25 from 11-3. This will be the last Sunday that we will be open this year. We are open on Thursdays from 9-3 until the end of September.

Motion to adjourn.