
The August 10, 2023 meeting of the Pittsville Area Historical Society was called to order by President Chris Buchanan. The secretary and treasurer reports were presented and approved.

Old Business included a report by Chris Nepper about the website. He is in the process of updating it with new information. The address is www.pittsvilleareahistoricalsociety.org to see what we have been doing to preserve the history of the area.

Chris Buchanan offered thank yous to Randy Fochs and Chris Nepper for fixing the picnic tables; Chris Nepper for working on the lights upstairs and website; and Sharon Christensen and Jan Patrick for the pictures in the paper.

Everyone is working very hard to get the items on the to-do list completed. The pow-wow booth is being repainted by Randy Fochs and Mary Czaja. Marlene Neve and Chris Buchanan have completed the City Point history sheet and Sharon Christensen is working on a pattern for the Charter Members Tree that will be put in the steeple. Book 9 of the Stories of Our Lives series is nearing completion and Jan Patrick is checking into putting the High School yearbooks on our website.

The museum will be open each Thursday from 9-3 until the end of September and on Sunday, August 27 from 11-3. The Lions club will tour the Museum Complex on the evening of September 6. We are happy to open at special times upon request. The officers’ names and phone numbers are on the website.