
The July 11 meeting of the Pittsville Area Historical Society was called to order by Vice President Chris Nepper. The Secretary aand Treasurer reports were presented and approved.

Old Business began with a report from the Building and Grounds Committee. Chris Nepper has laid paving stones in front of the PowWow Booth and Cutter Shed. The flower beds are especially beautiful this summer because of all the rain.

Some of the old quilts that have been donated need restoration. Sharon Christensen is working on this project and plans to display more of them as the summer progresses. She is also working on the Charter Member tree in the Steeple.

We had a float in the parade again this year. The theme “Stars and Stripes Forever” was depicted by three flags from Betsy Ross’s first Stars and Stripes flag to the present 50 star flag.

Chris Nepper reported that he has had 4 responses from the public about the Old Barn project on the Website. You should be able to view the photos and stories of the area barns by going to your computer and looking up www.pittsvilleareahistoricalscociety.org. Many families in the area have a long farm history. Dig out your old photos and include them in this project. Chris has offered to set up a Facebook page for the group. Abigail Huber has also offered to set up an Instagram and TicToc page. This will give us more exposure to different age groups.

The Historical Society is holding a Scavenger Hunt on July 16 as a Library activity. The children will be asked to find nature items in Riverside Park and bring them to stations which will be set up. There will be projects to do at the stations involving trees, bugs, flowers, rocks etc.

Motion to adjourn