
The June 13 meeting of the Pittsville Area Historical Society was called to order by President Randy Fochs. The Secretary and Treasurer reports were presented and approved.

Old Business began with a report by Jan Patrick that Book 9 of the Stories of Our Lives series is available for sale at Pittsville Family Foods, Paulie’s Diner and the museum. It consists of the Burt & Shirley Iverson story and a history of local cranberry production in the area.

Chris Buchanan reported that the Brat Fry was a success thanks to the Cenex Station, Pittsville Famiy Foods and all who purchased sandwiches and cookies. The monies will be used to fund future projects.

Sharon Christensen is working on the Charter Member Tree in the Steeple. Each leaf has the name of one of the 37 members who stepped up to start the Historical society. The Steeple is a cool,quiet place to meditate if you choose.

Chris Buchanan and Mary Czaja reported on the meetings that they attended with Mary Ann & Jerome Lippert, the new owners of the Pittsville Record. The hours that we are open will be posted in the Looking Forward section of the paper. We discussed some ideas of topics that would be of interest to area residents and some unusual items that we have on display at the museum. Pittsville is very fortunate to have the paper as a local resource.

The theme for the Fourth of July parade is “Stars and Stripes Forever”. There was discussion about how to best depict the theme on this year’s float.

More of our farming history is getting lost with each passing year as our local barns are being torn down or collapsing from neglect. Chris Nepper is asking area residents to submit a photo of your family barn along with a brief history to be posted on our website. Whether your barn exists or not, we would like a photo to help preserve this part of our past. More information can be found on pittsvilleareahistoricalsociety.org.

Morion to adjourn